15 December, 2020

Dear Copperheads!
The Netherlands is in an official lockdown.
That means our show in Poppodium Volt, will be moved to 2021. More about that soon.
It also means it is time for a good ol’ LOCKDOWN DEAL.
As long as the lockdown takes place (at least January 19th 2021) you get a FREE EP, or PATCH or free shipping (NL only) when ordering a Brothers CD (Band edition) + T-shirt!
It sure makes a great Holiday gift for your loved ones or yourself! 🙂
To order, message us or send an email to info@copperheadcounty.com!
We thank ALL of you for supporting us in this CRAZY year.
We are keeping our heads up and stay positive, we will see all of you in 2021 again!!

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